Judson Cake of Bar Harbor was the overall winner of the 6.3-mile Wildlands Trail Run, held on a rainy fall Sunday, October 25. Cake, 37, ran the course up and over Oak and Flag Hills in the Great Pond Mountain Wildlands in 43:41. Andy Goupee of Dedham took 2nd overall with a time of 45:18, and Patrick Powers of Trenton came in 3rd in 48:21.
Jennifer VanDongen, 37, of Bar Harbor, was female overall winner (third year in a row) and came in fourth place with a time of 48:55. Second place woman was Caitlin Cross with a time of 54:41, followed by Katrina Linscott of Seal Cove with 55:40. Follow these links for Overall Results and Results by Age Class. Photos by Hans Krichels are available at our Shutterfly page.
Forty-eight runners hit the tough and muddy course, down this year from the usual 70+ due to the weather. This is the third year for the race as part of the Downeast Double Trouble Trail Race Challenge, consisting of the Wildlands Trail Run, followed by Frenchman Bay Conservancy’s Autumn Trail Run in Sullivan, to be held November 1 (Visit www.frenchmanbay.org). Those running both races earn special prizes and the glory of being named Double Trouble champions; last year’s champions were Powers and VanDongen.
Big thanks to our volunteers and staff: Peter Keeney, Jennifer Riefler, Ryan King, Maddy Glover, Bonnie and Jack MacBrayne, Karen Cote, Brian Keegstra, Olga Lange, Dan Rhodes, Hans Krichels, Nancy Minot, Dawn Charnetzky, Tobin Peacock, Iris Simon, Chris & Karen Johnson, Emily Hawkins, Connie Tuller, Karen Keeney, the Berry family, Gene Behrenshauser, Patrick Reid, Geo Atwood, John Wedin and all our bakers.
Please thank our sponsors: Stanley Subaru; Nick Vachon, Podiatrist; MacLeod’s Restaurant (great chili!); Awards, Signage & Trophies; Curtis Family Shoe; Tradewinds; Cadillac Mtn. Sports; Morton’s Moo; Acadia Whale Watch; Pat’s Pizza Bar harbor, EPI Pizza, Bar Harbor Bicycle Shop, First Express, Dion Snowshoe Co., Hannaford in Bar Harbor.