


 Rodents? Wreakers-of-havoc? Engineers extraordinaire? Whatever your take on beavers, we’ve got ‘em in the Wildlands, and they’re here to stay.

For all you’ll ever want to know about beavers, their place in American History, go to your computer, go to Google, consult Wikipedia: beavers.   Also look here:


Better yet,  come see our beavers in the Wildlands, where activity is evident throughout the Hothole BrookValley. Easiest viewing is along the Esker Path. From the South Gate parking lot, walk in just a few minutes to the Esker Path (a glacial phenomenon in its own right). In a few more minutes, you will begin to see signs of our toothy friends: gnawed stumps along the trail like punjee sticks. And then, suddenly (half mile at most) a huge beaver pond off to your left, with a dam like a crescent moon holding the water back. And, if you look carefully, you’ll see a huge lodge, big enough for seven or eight beavers at least. And, if you are very, very quiet, you might see the agents of this landscape, busy at work engineering their habitat.

For more good viewing, travel the Hothole Pond Trail. You’ll find a new dam on the right just before the causeway and more activity on the left just beyond the causeway. Beavers are moving up and down the brook in both directions, and they’re also evident along the Birding Path and from the Viewing Rocks on Bump Hill.

Watch soon for a guide to ALL beaver activity in the Wildlands. Meanwhile, for most recent activity, check along the Valley Road, just across from the new outhouse/toolshed. Activity at this location threatens to wash out the roadbed, and Trust officials are scratching their heads over best ways to encourage the critters to take their dam-building skills elsewhere.