Land Manager Malcolm commuting to work. Hothole Pond & Mountain
- Please! keep your dogs on leash everywhere in the Wildlands. We’ve had two visitors bitten recently. Unleashed dogs impact other visitors, ground nesting birds, small mammals and other wildlife, and are at risk of porcupine encounters.
- Dogs are not allowed in biodiversity zones (see map)
- Picnic trail is completed, but not yet signed.
- Stuart Gross Trail and other trails are often icy; wearing ice cleats is recommended.
- The yellow gate at the beginning of the gravel road, immediately after the Hatchery may be closed at times. This means the road is dangerous or will be damaged by vehicles. Please do not open the gate! Park at the Hatchery and walk in.
GPMCT is a small nonprofit organization that relies on volunteers. Please support our work by donating to the “iron rangers” (green metal posts with a slot in the top) every time you visit and consider making a recurring or one-time gift to Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust. Thank you.