Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust, a nonprofit land trust, owns and manages the 4500- acre Wildlands in East Orland for wildlife habitat, sustainable forestry and recreation. It is open to the public for hiking, biking, snowmobiling, horseback riding as well as hunting, fishing and trapping.

Patrick Caron, winner of the 2019 race
The Wildlands Fall Virtual Trail Run
- Course open for competition October 24 – November 6
- 5.7 miles
- Starts and ends at South Gate on Rte 1 (1574 Acadia Highway) in east Orland
- Single track woods trails: 2.2 miles
- Double track multiuse trails and gravel roads: 3.5 miles
- Elevation gain: about 800 feet
- Course markings: signs, pin flags on the ground, arrow signs
- Registration: RunReg
- Cost: $20
- Timing: submit to RunReg
- Prizes: available starting on November 10 at the GPMCT office at 155 US Rte 1, Bucksport
- FMO: Jennifer Riefler: 207-356-7084 or
Please follow state guidelines for prevention Of COVID-19 transmission; observe social distancing and please use masks when needed in the parking lot and on the trails.
Course Description:
Park at the South Gate/ Valley Road; Start/Finish is .1 miles N on Valley Road at the intersection of Esker Trail.
- Esker Trail, a technical single track trail with some boulders and roots for 1.2 miles
- Where the trail leaves the woods into a meadow bear right on Hillside Trail tote road. Climb steadily out of the valley to the top of the rise
- Turn right and steadily climb Oak Hill on a single track trail. The trail has some roots and rocks and meanders to the summit (excellent view)
- Follow the trail to the left at the top along the ridge about .25 miles where it will head down into the woods and cross a couple of small streams. At the bottom cross the final small stream and up a small embankment entering a meadow.
- Turn left on Flag Hill Trail (old tote road) with a couple of old culvert crossings
- Flag Hill Trail will become Flag Hill Road. Continue straight downhill. After a short distance downhill on the gravel road
- Turn left onto Hillside Trail, a grassy tote road. At the end of the road section, bear left onto the new section of Hillside Trail, a machine-built multi use trail. The Trail climbs gradually to a high point where Oak Hill Trail goes left. Continue straight downhill and retrace part of your earlier route
- Follow Hillside Trail (now a gravel road) all the way down to Valley Road
- Turn left onto Valley Road and run uphill back to the start/ finish point on the left, at the intersection with Esker Trail
- We strongly advise wearing blaze orange. It is currently bird-hunting season and deer season is Oct. 24, 31 and everyday starting Nov 2 (except Sundays)
- You may complete the route in either counter clockwise (as described above) or clockwise direction, but the route marking is oriented toward counter clockwise
- When you register, you will be provided with a link to enter your results, either from Strava or some other workout app, or just manually. This should include your total time, without stopping/pausing your watch during the run. Run and submit as many times as you desire.
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